Archive for June, 2009

Marble Painting at Beachwood on June 26th

mp4Marble Painting June 26, 2009 The kids got their creative juices rolling by painting with marbles at Beachwood’s Creation Station. They created wonderful pictures full of color and texture and none of us lost our marbles in the process.

Beachwood Welcomes The Amazing V!

Amazing V Magic Show1_BDBeachwood Welcomes The Amazing V!

On June 23, magician extraordinare The Amazing V performed his fantastical tricks at the Beachwood Branch. Everyone was delighted with the chance to help The Amazing V put on quite a show by saying the magic words. Some of the kids in the audience even got a chance to come up on stage and be an assitant for a few of his tricks. It was a fun morning filled with laughter and applause!
Amazing V Magic Show2_BD

Bands Battle it out at Upper Shores branch

The upper Shores branch Of the Ocean County Library, 112 Jersey City Ave., Lavallette hosted its third annual “Battle of the Bands” Saturday June 13. Seven local bands vied for title and prizes. “Axis” was chosen the winner by the competitions judges. Other groups that participated included, Dear Night Sky, Stealth Nelson, The Ire Sounds, Alterations, Lost Intentions and Day After Yesterday.

"Lost Intentions"

"Lost Intentions"


"Day After Yesterday"

"Day After Yesterday"




Soul Street performs at Lakewood & Toms River

small-5662The Soul Street Dance Company gave two performances June 3 and everyone who attended said they enjoyed the shows a lot!  We had more than 65 people at Lakewood and 130 at Toms River.  And the audiences were a great mix: teens, older adults and children joined in the dancing!

Between dance routines Soul Street taught the history of hip-hop music, social responsibility and an appreciation for the art form.  They even involved people from the audience by teaching some dance moves and then performing those moves to the crowd.

The performances are part of the Neighbors Connecting series sponsored in part by a grant from the OceanFirst Foundation Arts and Cultural Grant.small-5726

The hyperactive group was tough to capture in photos, seemingly traveling at faster than the speed of light.  Okay, that is an exxageration.  But almost, as the photos will attest.  Photos of the Lakewood performance can be viewed at

Manchester branch hosts “Beauty and the Beast” performance

The Imperial Theater Arts Association of Whiting performed an abbreviated presentation of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” at the Manchester branch of the Ocean County Library on Saturday, May 30th.

A cast of 30 gave the performance to an appreciative audience.

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