Archive for April, 2010

Alex and the Kaleidescope Band Concert at the Toms River Branch

On Sunday April 25, the Ocean County Library Foundation presented a special family concert featuring Alex and the Kaleidescope Band at the Toms River branch, featuring none other than OCL’s beloved mascot Sparks!

Continue reading ‘Alex and the Kaleidescope Band Concert at the Toms River Branch’

Tuckerton celebrates its 135th Anniversary

Ocean County Library’s Tuckerton branch celebrated its 135th anniversary on April 22 with a special reception and presentation by area resident and former White House correspondent Louise Michalowicz. Continue reading ‘Tuckerton celebrates its 135th Anniversary’

A bit of pampering in Waretown

Although the day outside  remained damp and gray, inside the Waretown branch meeting room was inviting and jovial.  During our “Art of Caring for Mature Skin” program, participants found warmth, brilliant colors and empathic laughter.  LuAnn Gevaza, manager for SEPHORA of JCPenney, and her two very helpful co-workers supplied the audience with great information and a wide array of helpful products.  Three very lucky volunteers were transformed into glamour queens for the evening. 

Sesame Street’s Susan @ Lakewood

Do you know the way to Sesame Street?

Dr. Loretta Long, “Susan” on Sesame Street, visited the Lakewood branch Saturday (April 24.)   It was a mixed-aged group.  In fact, there were more adults there, people who have grown up with Sesame Street, than youngsters. 

While addressing the children, Loretta’s message was applicable to the adults, too.  “Be ready for life’s surprises because the life you dream about may just happen, only not in the way you might think.”

Long was born in the outskirts of Paw Paw, Michigan, not exactly the entertainment hub of the universe.  Yet she had a dream of being a star.  Helping out on the family farm, substitute teaching in NYC, auditioning for a new type of children’s show – they were all elements that formed her and enabled her to realize her dream.  Forty years later she is still a regular on Sesame Street.  And it is fueling her new dreams of helping children.

Long is working on her next book.  The working title is  “My Friends Still Call Me Susan,” and it is about the formative experiences people have had growing up with the show.  To  help her, she is looking for people’s stories, how they – or perhaps even now how they with their children or even grandchildren – grew up with Sesame Street.

Contact Zarita for more information.

You can view a slideshow of the photos at

Happy birthday Manchester!

The Manchester branch pulled out all the stops to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Approximately 225 people dropped in throughout the afternoon to listen to the eclectic  vocals of  Billie Brown and his group or do their own singing  performance during the “Karaoke Coffeehouse.” Children did a craft, met Sparks and received a hand puppet in his likeness to take home. The Friends of the Manchester Branch served refreshments and the Master Gardeners were on hand to provide information about their services. Finally, there were giveaways and drawing prizes galore!

Here is a slideshow of photos taken that afternoon. Copy & paste.  Enjoy!

Peter & the Wolf & Barnegat…oh my!

Last night, the residents of Barnegat were treated to a free, live performance of Peter and the Wolf by the Phoenix Woodwind Quintet. The music of Sergei Prokofiev was brought to life by the talented quintet, accompanied by a masked mime. Enthralled audience members included infants, toddlers, school children, teens, parents and adults. The program was provided by Young Audiences NJ.

Lakewood hosts 2 parties in 1

SMART Kids had another blast for springtide, throwing a party with St. Patrick’s Day and Easter rolled into one before the renovations began.

After their homework, they were seated to feast on a traditional Irish meal: corned beef with cabbage, courtesy of Miss Jessica and her family’s delectable cooking. After they decided whether they wanted soda bread or ice cream for dessert, the children colored dozens of eggs vibrant shades of robin’s egg blue, gold, turquoise, and tulip pink.   Once their brilliant eggs dried, they put them in origami baskets brimming with candy. The children enjoyed themselves and it was just in time for their break- and ours!

The children got to guess how many jellybeans were in a jar, and Nicole got the closest. She got to take home all 872 of them!

The kids worked hard over almost two months for stickers by doing worksheets and reading books. The staff pitched in to give them something extra special: four boxes full of toys, wallets, jewelry, hairpieces, and lanyards for their perusal- depending, of course, on how many stickers they earned. Many of them earned more than twenty so they took home some sizeable prizes!

All of the SMART Kids staff: Lindsay O’Connell, Jessica Olivio, Elias Vazquez and Marguerite Webb pitched in to buy the prizes, make the baskets, decorate the room, and prepare the food for the party.”

We’re back on track after the renovations here and love the new Lakewood look. It’s a positive environment and it’s a great refresher for the kids in the downtime before summer. Come pay our branch a visit!

Dreaming of Dior- Fashion Program at Toms River May 3, 7pm


Contact: Scott Rodas, Program Coordinator

(732)349-6200 x5912


Dreaming of Dior with Author Charlotte Smith

at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library.

Join us at the Toms River branch of the Ocean County Library (101 Washington St) on Monday, May 3, at 7 pm, for an inside look at a book for any woman who knows a dress can hold a lifetime of memories!

 Charlotte Smith had already had more than her fair share of fabulous dresses and adventures. She lived life to the fullest in London, Paris and New York before falling in love with Australia and making it her home. Then she discovered that she had inherited a priceless vintage clothing collection from her American Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell.

 When the boxes started arriving, they were filled with more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, from Dior and Chanel originals to a dainty pioneer dress.   But, when she unearthed her godmother’s book of stories, the true value of what she had been given hit home. This wasn’t merely a collection of beautiful things; it was a collection of lives. Women’s lives. Tiny snapshots of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. 

 Charlotte will discuss the book, and show several of the dresses at the library program.

 For more information, or to register for the event, contact the Toms River branch of the Ocean County Library at 732-349-6200, or visit

Budding artists bloom in the library

As part of the Month of the Young Child, the Ocean County Library, Toms River Branch has formed a community partnership with the Ocean Affiliate of NAEYC. During April our local preschools & child care centers have the opportunity to display their students’ artwork for all to see throughout the children’s section of the library, atrium & entrance.

The Budding Artists’ Gallery had its grand opening on Tuesday, April 6th at 6:30 pm. Many families dropped by to see just how talented & inspiring our young artists are! Children from 14 schools are participating in the event, including Beachwood Nursery School, Hilltop Nursery School and Toms River Nursery School – some from as far away as Cassville Nursery School in Jackson. Drop by to see this wonderful display.

Check the link below for photos of the artists’ reception.

RefWorks workshop

The RefWorks Committee hosted its inaugural Reference Providers’ Workshop on Thursday, March 25th.  Attendees met to discuss strategies for excellent Reference service,  to share information on OCL’s subscription electronic databases, and to learn tips to search effectively within Polaris.  The next workshop for Reference Providers will be held on Wednesday, October 6th.

Photos can be viewed at

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